Old Writig Period

As attested by early surviving texts and those recorded by the ▮.

- It's unclear which cultture figured out writing first--proto-writing is common at many sites.

- Multiple cultures have direct attestation of writing.

- Some are remembered in oral history, an important source going forward. The [south central river culture], [midwest central], and [west coast] developed the most distinctive writing systems. [Many of the inner plains and northern coast cultures have no or limited written tradition, in keeping with their nomadic lifestyles. While the traditional knowledge of these cultures would prove to be vital in the survival of the Taadži as a whole, we are more able to read the words of the sedentary peoples, and our rememberance of the nomadic cultures is influenced by their writing.]

- [Central river culture- trade and influence spreading up to the lake valley and the eastern mountains. Large cities, agrarian culture][grand temples unmatched anywhere else.]

- [northwest - closest climate comparison to eastern archipeligo, but with less extreme winds. Culture was most cut off from the other sedentary civilizations, with a unique religious tradition that does not survive today.] [the gods lived in the north, in the dark where people could not go. They made the Taadži in their image, left them after some insult, and in their attempts to create a thing that could destroy the Taadži, destroyed themselves. One mythic ship traveled there, and sent back a messenger bird that told of monsters living there. They found a surviving god that had slept through the destruction, and woke it to ask why they acted. No answer was given, and the god was killed by the monsters. The last two survivors found a ship of the gods, with a map to their true homeland. They resolved to travel there, and never returned. Ceremonies were held to hide the people from any gods that might remain, and to disguise their scent on the wind and currents that go up the coast toward the north.]

- [west coast- desert coast culture, an enclave between the two other sedentary cultures.][Celestial worship with a focus on the moon, as fishing is an important source of food.]

- Some contact with western cousins of the ▮, including some interbreeding.